Sunday 23 September 2012


Well. It's been a while. I couldn't tell you exactly what I've been doing in the last six months to be honest, but it's been pretty full.

I suppose one of the biggest things that have changed in recent months is that I'm now the chairman for Grosvenor Light Opera Company. Not quite sure how it happened, but I'm glad I'll get to help in the running of something I really love to do.

A few months ago (before I was Lady Chair) I was a chorus member in The Sorcerer, which is the best quality show I've ever been in.

This is the cast, and me in my boiling hot costume. Victorian ladies were hardcore for wearing this stuff, people. I spent the whole time with my dress up over my knees. So hot. But not very dignified.

And now we're doing a semi-staged production of Princess Ida (I got a reasonably big part by accident in this one) and we have lots of really exciting stuff in the pipeline.

We need contraltos. And men. If you are a contralto or a man and you live in London, come join us!

Now, I don't know if you heard, but there was some sporting stuff on in the capital this summer, and I got to go get involved for a few weeks on the Government press team.

Now, I'm not going to lie, I didn't do anything terribly exciting or meet any famous athletes. But I got to meet a bunch of new people and get into the spirit of things. And I got to join in with the celebrations when it closed. Say hello to My colleague and I with an Olympic torch, and me driving the Cutty Sark in my party dress:

The Cutty Sark is an awesome party venue. Or even daytrip venue. I especially liked the collection of figureheads - see them behind me on the left?

Other things in my life at the moment are a househunt (omg so confusing) and a determination to start making my own clothes again. To which end I've started following lots of sewing blogs to get inspiration.

And my hols really deserve a post of their own, because let's face it, the highlands are pretty, and I want to share the pics with you. Suffice to say the weather won.

Anyhoo. I'll post on them later.


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