Saturday 5 January 2013

So... It's 2013.

And as usual it's been a long time. Not going to dwell on it.

Gotta say, 2012 wasn't the best year. It's not that it was bad, it just wasn't good. Barring my show, all the things that were supposed to make it good kinda... sucked. I missed festivals, The SO's gigging stopped, the househunt flopped several times, the Olympics were a bit of a damp squib work-wise and there generally was a lot of work and not much play. 

However, good things that came out of this year 
  • I reignited an old friendship, with old uni friend Raya, who I travelled across Canada with years and years ago.
  • The Sorcerer was really good fun
  • I became Chairperson of my Gilbert and Sullivan company
  • I got my first real solo role since I was thirteen
  • And I have rediscovered my love of sewing. 
And things to look forward to this year: 
  • Weddings! Many old uni friends are getting hitched, which will mean trips oop north to St Andrews
  • A six-week secondment to the Number 10 press team.
  • 30th birthdays - both mine and the SO's. We will celebrate and not be miserable. 
  • I'm planning to make a lot more stuff this year. Not clothes though. Honest.
  • I plan on applying for new jobs
In the meantime, we are starting the new year with a spring clean, led by the SO's loopy mother in law. Today I stood on the bathroom sink to clean the windows, fearing for my neck the whole time, knowing that she'd see the dust if I didn't. I really hate being made to feel like I'm inferior at looking after my own house, and so far most of the clear out has just proved how much I want to keep. 

But I'm trying to stay positive about it. It means that when we do find that mystical perfect house, we won't need to scour quite so much muck off the place (though the wall behind our bed is irreparable. Proves the worth of a headboard.)

Anyway that was the year that was. With any luck, I might blog more than I currently do.